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Educational blog from Robert F. Walker Jr. DDS Dr. Walker has created this informative blog to help educate the community.

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Reasons Biting Down May Hurt to Do

Posted on 9/2/2024 by Robert F Walker Jr. PC
Have you ever experienced a sharp, sudden pain when biting down? This pain, often described as a "stabbing" or "shooting" sensation, can be caused by a variety of factors. While some instances may resolve on their own, others require professional attention. In this article, we'll delve into the...

Implant vs. Inplant

Posted on 8/15/2024 by Robert F Walker Jr. PC
When considering dental solutions, especially for missing teeth, knowing what is available and what some terms mean is essential. Probably in no area is this as common as the difference between implant and inplant. These two words look and sound the same, but they mean entirely different in...

How to Prevent Infection After Oral Surgery

Posted on 8/1/2024 by Robert F Walker Jr. PC
Oral surgery, whether it is a tooth extraction or another procedure, requires diligent care to ensure proper healing. Following some essential steps can minimize the risk of infection and promote a smooth recovery. Take Antibiotics as Prescribed Your dentist may prescribe antibiotics. It is...
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Robert F Walker Jr. PC, 1120 South Dobson Rd. Suite # 105, Chandler, AZ 85286 / (602) 782-4856 / / 9/9/2024 / Tags: dentist Chandler AZ /